ADHD and Procrastination Don't Have To Halt Your Progress: An Actionize It Success Story

ADHD and Procrastination Don't Have To Halt Your Progress: An Actionize It Success Story

ADHD and procrastination seem to be synonymous for many people who daily encounter the challenge of finding the motivation to do what they want to do. My neighbor had been feeling this for over 3 years. 
It might sound like a small thing, but since having her house built (3 years ago), every time she walked in the door, she'd be reminded of how much she hated the primed-but-not-painted door that didn't match the rest of her house.  
Even more than looking at the door, she hated that getting it painted felt overwhelming. She'd ask her husband to do it, hoping he'd take over the project that strained her executive function skills, but he'd forget or prioritize other things. 
Three weeks ago my neighbor bought the Actionize It planning system, hoping it would help her start getting stuff done. Of course I hand delivered it and sat at her table for a few minutes to show her how to use it. My first question was;
“Whats one project you really want to accomplish but haven't been able to do?” 
Immediately she brought up her door. 
Within 5 minutes she worked out a plan that felt doable to her, and two weeks later, her doors were all being painted! Now, as I drive by her house, I see her doors and feel so happy that she now has a reliable system that works, to get all of those bigger projects done (she has moved on to cleaning out her laundry room since finishing that project). 
Talking to her about her newly painted door made me smile because she's so proud of herself for finally getting it done! As she should be!

ADHD and Procrastination

Getting stuff done can be tricky with ADHD, especially when it comes to long term or multi step projects, which is why procrastination is so common. The tendency to procrastinate, however, rarely reflects a persons desire to get things done, and more often reflects the challenge of getting started when ADHD is present. 
“Just doing it” might work if there's a random surge of motivation or a deadline, but most things just end up piling up and feeling awful. It's what happens when executive function skills are overtaxed and systems aren't in place to support them. 
Using to-do lists or planners often isn't enough because neither of those on their own can create the consistent support a person needs. 

An ADHD Friendly System to Minimize Procrastination 

ADHD and procrastination

The Actionize It planning system, is an ADHD friendly system that minimizes that overwhelm by supporting executive function skills, making the path to getting things done crystal clear and easier to start. It's fun hearing customers all say similar things 
“This works with the way my brain functions!”
“It makes it easier to see how to do things.”
“It helps to see things laid out in one place like this.”
Every time I see her front door I think of the years of struggle that led to her getting it done and how she has and uses a system that helps her avoid other 3-year long struggles. 
That same question is what I ask each client who wants to break the cycle of overwhelm and procrastination, and is the one I would love to ask you as well. 
“Whats one project you really want to accomplish but haven't been able to do?” 
Moving towards productivity more often is possible, especially for those who feel ADHD and procrastination are determined to exist simultaneously. When the executive functions are supported, progress is possible and consistent productivity can replace procrastination. 

As two ADHD coaches, we’ve seen our clients go from overwhelmed to empowered when they implement the Actionize It planning system into their day. It minimizes procrastination and improves consistency.


If you are looking for ADHD-friendly tips for getting stuff done, the Actionize It planning system can help! It supports executive function skills, making your efforts more sustainable.


We also share tips and inspiration on Instagram so make sure you are hanging out with us over there too. 

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